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Customer Comments
Linda M has commented on (9) products
Rebirthing of God Christianitys Struggle for New Beginnings
John Philip Newell
Linda M
, October 27, 2014
This is most likely the finest book written by John Philip Newell. He asks that we reconnect with ourselves, to move forward into new beginnings that we are not yet able to imagine. John Philip asks each of us to reconnect with the earth, compassion, the light, the journey, spiritual practice, nonviolence, the unconscious, and love. For each chapter, he draws on the wisdom and teachings of modern prophets, such as Thomas Berry, Aung San Suu Kyi, Mary Oliver, Bede Griffiths, Thomas Merton, Carl Jung, Simone Weil, and Mahatma Gandhi. John Philip's writing is poetic at times. You end up laughing and crying throughout this book.
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Wounded Healer
Henri Nouwen
Linda M
, January 10, 2013
Henri Nouwen states that we are all wounded, even those who are in a healing ministry (clergy, caregivers, physicians, etc.). We need to confront our own wounds before we minister to others. We need to search our souls to discern what our innermost wounds are. Once we do this, we can serve others in their suffering. We must open ourselves to those we are helping, showing ourselves as suffering fellow human beings. Nouwen provides many everyday examples to guide healers on their journey.
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Bonhoeffer Pastor Martyr Prophet Spy
Eric Metaxas
Linda M
, August 07, 2012
This is one of the best biographies that I have ever read. It is a powerful and engrossing book. Eric Metaxas not only brought Bonhoeffer to life, but he also gave a good portrayal of Hitler & Nazi Germany. I feel that I know Bonhoeffer better after reading this book. Definitely a 5 star book!
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Toward Holy Ground Spiritual Directions for the Second Half of Life
Margaret Guenther
Linda M
, January 13, 2012
This is the first book I read written by Margaret Guenther. As I read it, I felt that she was writing this book just for me. She gave me a deep awareness of my own spiritual growth in the second half of my life. Reading it is similar to having a conversation with a friend; talking about the many things we share and the experiences we have had in our lives. Not only does she show ways that we can continue to develop spiritually as we age, but also shows how we may minister to those who are older. Guenther's warmth & compassion is evident in every page.
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The Practice of Prayer
Guenther, Margaret
Linda M
, September 09, 2011
Margaret Guenther's The Practice of Prayer is a gem of a book. She discusses what prayer is, the types of prayer (adoration, thanksgiving, confession, petition,and intercession and different methods of praying (centering prayer, the Jesus Prayer, etc.). While reading this book, I felt that I was sitting next to her and having a cup of tea as we discussed prayer. She is very down to earth and caring. She uses experiences from her life to illustrate what she is discussing. I recommend this book to anyone who would like to learn more about the practice of prayer. It is a keeper.
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Didache Text Translation Analysis & Commentary
Aaron Milavec
Linda M
, July 06, 2011
The Didache is an early Christian document that outlines the training program for gentile converts. The word "Didache" is Greek for training. Aaron Milavec's book gives both the Greek & English translation side-by-side. He then provides commentary on each section of the Didache. Each potential convert is given a mentor, who trains him/her in the Way of Life. The mentor prepares the candidate for baptism and instructs him/her in the fundamentals of the Christian faith. This is well written book. Besides the commentary, Milavec provides the reader with study questions, flowcharts, and other resources for the continuing study of this document.
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God in Pain: Teaching Sermons on Suffering (Teaching Sermons Series)
Barbara Brown Taylor and Barbara Brown-Taylor
Linda M
, January 13, 2011
In this book, Barbara Brown Taylor discusses, through a series of sermons, God's pain; God's pain over the death of his Son, Jesus Christ. Knowing that God suffers pain, it helps me to deal with the pain in my own life. Since we contain the essence of God within us, we also contain His pain, or at least, begin to comprehend it. I don't want to write a theological reflection on this book, but I have learned that my suffering won't destroy me. Hopefully, it will make me a better person. As usual, Barbara Brown Taylor's sermons are easy to read and leave the reader feeling many emotions, including at times, laughter. She is an inspiration to me.
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Making Rounds with Oscar A Doctor His Patients & a Very Special Cat
David Dosa
Linda M
, June 15, 2010
Making Rounds with Oscar: The Extraordinary Gift of an Ordinary Cat is the story of a physician's journey to a better understanding of life for someone with Alzheimer's and his or her family. Oscar is one of two cats who reside on the third floor of Steere House Nursing & Rehabilitation Center in Providence, RI. Dr. David Dosa is a physician specializing in geriatric medicine. The nursing staff noticed that Oscar, normally aloof, would jump up on the beds of patients hours before they died and would cuddle up next to them. He provided care and company, not only to the patient, but to the family members as well. Dr. Dosa is skeptical at first. After all, he is a scientist. One of the nurses convinced him to talk to the family members of former patients to find out about Oscar. Dr. Dosa learns many things during these conversations. He finds out that Oscar would stay with the dying patients and would also comfort the family members. He finds out what life is like living with a family member who has Alzheimer's. He learns about their fears, their struggles to find medical care and nursing facilities, and how hard it is to deal with a loved one who doesn't remember them any more. He develops more empathy for his patients and finds out that one of the greatest gifts you can give is the ministry of presence, which is what Oscar knew all along. This is a wonderful book with a big impact. Thank you Oscar for your being there for others.
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Listening for the Heartbeat of God: A Celtic Spirituality
J. Philip Newell
Linda M
, January 07, 2010
This book has brought me into a closer relationship with God and fostered a sense of newness and healing in my life. John Philip Newell has beautifully woven together the glorious mysteries of God and the wholesome balance of Celtic Spirituality. I had forgotten to take the time to stop and listen to the voice of God, but this book has reminded me that God is not in some far off place, but can be found in the world around me on a daily basis. The idea of God being close at hand has been reflected in Celtic spirituality from at least the forth century, and continues even into today. This book is one that I will reread many times. I heartily recommend this book to others.
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