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Five Book Friday: In Memoriam
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Every year, the booksellers at Powell’s submit their Top Fives: their five favorite books that were released in 2023. It’s a list that, when put together, shows just how varied and interesting the book tastes of Powell’s booksellers are. I highly recommend digging into the recommendations — we would never lead you astray — but today...
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Brontez Purnell:
Powell’s Q&A: Brontez Purnell, author of ‘Ten Bridges I’ve Burnt’
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Starter Pack: Where to Begin with Ursula K. Le Guin
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Customer Comments
Erica Williams has commented on (4) products
Jonathan Franzen
Erica Williams
, January 01, 2011
This is Jonathan Franzen at his best! I read and loved The Corrections, and so my expectations for Freedom were very high. I thought that there was no way that he could beat such an incredible book. But he blew my expectations out of the water! He brings out the humanity in each of his characters--the good, the bad, and the downright ugly--and it is hard to believe that these people are not real. This book is the best book I read in 2010!
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Emma Donoghue
Erica Williams
, September 27, 2010
What a wonderful read! I know that the idea of having a 5-year old child narrate such a harrowing story as this may turn some readers away, but they will be missing out on a brillant story. Jack's innocence drives the story as he begins to understand (as best a boy his age can) his situation and be as "scave" as he can be when he must be the one that sets him and his mother free. Anyone with a heart will love Jack.
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White Noise
Don Delillo
Erica Williams
, March 04, 2010
How did I manage to go this long without reading this book? Of course, I had seen it on the shelf at the bookstore countless times, but I had resisted it based on the opinions of others who had read it and weren't quite ready for the dynamite impact it delivers. I just finished reading it and I am resisting the urge to start over again, relishing not only the story, but the sentences! Who thinks like this? Fortunately, Don DeLillo does.
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Let The Great World Spin
Colum McCann
Erica Williams
, January 28, 2010
This book has no wasted space whatsoever. From beginning to end, I was captivated not only by the characters and their stories, but also by the masterful use of language by McCann. McCann creates characters that don't leave you, and the characters in this book are no exceptions. Though I loved the book cover to cover, the ending is one of the most beautiful endings I have ever read. I felt as if I was truly in the moment with the characters (without giving anything away). This is by far the best fiction I have read this year.
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