Synopses & Reviews
What's Next? brings together fifty of the world's most remarkable scientists, educators, writers, economists, artists, historians, inventors, and other thought leaders of Global Business Network to provide insights into the new forces that will shape the business environment over the next decade. Kelly and Leyden have compiled a unique collection of surprising and provocative observations out of a series of recent interviews with such pioneering thinkers as: Francis Fukuyama on biotech, Ester Dyson on Russia, Peter Schwartz on geopolitics, and poet and educator Betty Sue Flowers on identity and spirituality. The result is a highly stimulating field trip to the future that also provides practical suggestions on how organizations can adapt effectively to this new terrain for business.
From the thought leaders at Global Business Network, new views on the profound forces shaping business in the coming decade
Who better to help us foresee how emerging trends will help shape the agenda for business in the first decade of the twenty-first century than Global Business Network, the renowned futurist think tank and strategic consulting firm, where some of the greatest minds from these fields converge and converse? In What's Next?, GBN's President, Eamonn Kelly, and its "knowledge developer," Peter Leyden, weave together fresh, new insights from expansive interviews with many of the Network's key thinkers, including: Stewart Brand on civilization, Mary Catherine Bateson on cultural change, Paul Hawken on the anti-globalization movement, Esther Dyson on Russia, Kevin Kelly on thinking globally, and Francis Fukuyama on biotechnology. The result is a thought-provoking, and inspiring guide to the ideas, concepts, and forces that will influence business in an era of increasing uncertainty-and opportunity. Visit the GBN website at
Includes bibliographical references (p. 343-348) and index.
About the Author
Eamonn Kelly is CEO and President of Global Business Network, a member of the Monitor Group. Kelly also heads GBN's consulting practice and has worked at senior levels with dozens of the world's leading corporations, as well as with global and national public agencies. He lives in San Rafael, California.
Peter Leyden is Global Business Network's Knowledge Developer. Co-author of The Long Boom and former managing editor of Wired magazine, he also served as special correspondent in Asia for Newsweek. He lives in Berkeley, California. Visit the authors' website at