About the Author
Mary Griffith is the author of The Unchooling Handbook (Prima) and a long-time activist with the Homeschool Association of California. Her two children have always been homeschooled.
Table of Contents
1. Does Homeschooling Really Work, or What Do We Tell the Grandparents?
2. Legal Stuff, or Can We Really Do This?
3. Structure, or Can We Wear Our Pajamas to School?
4. Assisted Homeschooling, or Do We Really Need Any Help?
5. Money and Other Practical Matters
6. The Primary Years: Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic
7. The Middle Years: Exploring the World
8. The Teen Years: Finding a Direction
9. Evaluation and Record Keeping, or How Do We Know They're Learning?
10. Finding Learning Resources
11. The Homeschooling Community
12. Coping with the Rough Spots
13. Special Circumstances
14. Beyond Homeschooling
Appendix A: Homeschooling Resources
Appendix B: Homeschooling Organizations
Appendix C: Selected Learning Resources
Appendix D: Colleges That Have Accepted Homeschoolers
Works Cited