Synopses & Reviews
They've survived the end of their universe....
But now, nearly three hundred years after the time of Ragnarokthe death battle of the godshumankind faces a new and potentially fatal trial. The balance between Law and Chaos has long been maintained by the rulers of Bearn, but with the current king dying, a new keeper of neutrality must be found among his heirs. And with an unknown enemy bent on destroying all who stand in line to the throne, King Kohleran has no choice but to decree that anyone with a claim to the crown must take the Test of the Staves.
What the testing reveals, however, is the need to carry the search beyond Bearn. But all the king's envoys disappear without a trace, and deciding that desperate times call for desperate actions, a small band forms in secret to seek out the last possible heir. But can the king's granddaughter, a knight in training, an appretice bard, a young and untested Renshai warrior, and thief who may as easily prove their betrayer as their friend survive the perils of the wild, and enemies equipped with magical powers in a world long bereft of spell casters? And if any of them actually reach their goal, can they bring the one remaining untested heir back to Bearn alive?
Book one of Mickey Zucker Reichert s acclaimed, bestselling epic fantasy Renhsai Chronicles Discover the intricate epic fantasy Renshai universe, infused with Norse mythology, tangled intrigue, and cataclysmic magical battles.
They ve survived the end of the universe.
But now, nearly three hundred years after the time of Ragnarok the death battle of the gods humankind faces a new and potentially fatal trial. The balance between Law and Chaos has long been maintained by the rulers of Bearn, but with the current king dying, a new keeper of neutrality must be found among his heirs.
When the search becomes desperate, a small band forms in secret to seek out the last possible heir. The team consisting of the king s granddaughter, a knight in training, an apprentice bard, a young and untested Renshai warrior, and a fickle thief struggle to survive the perils of the wild as well as enemies equipped with magical powers.
And if any of them actually reach their goal, can they bring the one remaining heir back to Bearn alive?"
Book one of the acclaimed, bestselling epic fantasy Renshai Chronicles--discover the intricate Renshai universe, infused with Norse mythology, tangled intrigue, and cataclysmic magical battles. They've survived the end of the universe.
But now, nearly three hundred years after the time of Ragnarok--the death battle of the gods--humankind faces a new and potentially fatal trial. The balance between Law and Chaos has long been maintained by the rulers of Bearn, but with the current king dying, a new keeper of neutrality must be found among his heirs.
When the search becomes desperate, a small band forms in secret to seek out the last possible heir. The team--consisting of the king's granddaughter, a knight in training, an apprentice bard, a young and untested Renshai warrior, and a fickle thief--struggle to survive the perils of the wild as well as enemies equipped with magical powers.
And if any of them actually reach their goal, can they bring the one remaining heir back to Bearn alive?
About the Author
Mickey Zucker Reichert is a pediatrician, parent, animal lover, and author of twenty-some novels including Renshai, Nightfall, Barakhai, and Bifrost series, one illustrated novella, and fifty-plus short stories. She can be found at