Synopses & Reviews
Cora's escape to a tropical island is meant to give her a reprieve from the struggles she has recently been facing. When she is confronted with hidden family secrets, suitors who just might get her killed and another world she never imagined existed, Cora is left to wonder, if she would have been better off staying at home.
i s meant t o gi ve her a r epr i eve f r om
t he s t r uggl es s he has r ecent l y been f aci ng. When s he i s conf r ont ed wi t h hi dden f ami l y s ecr et s,
s ui t or s
who j us t
mi ght
ki l l ed and anot her
wor l d s he never i magi ned exi s t ed, Cor a i s
l ef tl ef t
t o wonder,
i f
s he woul d have been bet t er
of f
s t ayi ng at
After Cora Reed's father dies unexpectedly, she just wants a break from everything. When the chance for that break appears in the form of a trip to a secluded island resort, she happily takes it. But the island and its inhabitants aren't what they appear to be, and Cora finds herself thrown into more danger and turmoil than she had been trying to escape from in the first place. With the islands inexplicably alluring inhabitants vying for her attention, she must learn about her new world and abilities before they get her killed. Confronted with family secrets, her life will change forever, if she can survive.