Synopses & Reviews
and#192; la rencontre du cinand#233;ma franand#231;ais: analyse, genre, histoire is intended to serve as the core textbook in a wide variety of upper-level undergraduate and graduate French cinema courses. In contrast to content-, theme-, or issue-based approaches to film, Professor Berg stresses and#8220;the cinemaandshy;ticandshy;ally specific, the warp and fabric of the film itself, the stuff of which it is made.and#8221; Sufficient proficiency in French is the sole prerequisite: and#8220;No previous backandshy;ground in film studies is assumed, nor is any prior acquainandshy;tance with French cinema. It will help, of course, to like movies, and to have seen quite a fewand#8230;and#8221; (from the preface).
About the Author
R.-J. Berg is the author of widely used textbooks on literature (Littand#233;rature franand#231;aise: textes et contextes, vols. I and II) and business French (Parlons affaires! Initiation au franand#231;ais and#233;conomique et commercial).