Synopses & Reviews
For weekend travelers,
48 Hours New York City is the ideal pocket reference to one of Americas most vibrant cities. Offering just the information needed to get the most out of a quick visit, it lays out options for the perfect two-day travel planallowing a taste of all the essential attractions. Inside youll find:
Day Plans highlighting key stops, and nearby lunch, cocktail, and early dinner options
Destination Dinners indicating restaurants worth a special trip, arranged by price
After Darktheater, comedy, and ballet; music for all ears; and classy watering holes
Need to Know section with practical information on getting around
One More Day segment offering ideas if you have extra time
A PopOut® map of New York
The mere size of New York City can intimidate even the most sophisticated traveler who has only days to spend here. 48 Hours New York City sends you to both the famous and the less familiar sights, allowing you to feel youve really gotten to know New York, in ways even many New Yorkers do not.
About the Author
Mitchell G. Bard, PhD, is the author, coauthor, or editor of eighteen books, including The Complete History of the Holocaust and Will Israel Survive? The Executive Director of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise and the director of the Jewish Virtual Library (; nearly 1.5 million visitors a month), he lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Table of Contents
Welcome to New YorkDay by Day ~
How to Spend Your TimeDay 1: MorningDay 1: LunchDay 1: Afternoon and EveningDay 2: MorningDay 2: LunchDay 2: Afternoon and EveningDestination Dinners ~
When Dinner's the Evening's EntertainmentAfter Dark ~
Where to Paint the TownOne More Day ~
Not Ready to Go Home?Need to Know ~
Practical Information