Synopses & Reviews
It's easy to focus our attention on the stresses and anxieties in our lives and the instability of the world. But what we pay attention to and focus on we bring more of into our lives.
Break the negativity spiral by making time to focus your attention on not only the bad parts of your day, but the good - no matter how big or smaill - and become a happier person in the process.
Whether you write a little or you write a lot, taking the time each evening to reflect on the good things that happened and what you learned throughout the day is guaranteed to make big changes to your mood, mindset and overall happiness.
Inside you'll find a full page a day for 365 days to unwind, process the day and appreciate the good and the gift of learning from the bad, however big or small they may be. Each page starts with a gratitude prompt to help get you started.
This book will make a great gift for anyone struggling through difficult times or mental illness to show your support and that you're thinking of them.