, December 01, 2022
A Dress the Color of the Moon was a unique, thought invoking journey through a small part of three addicts’ lives. It was definitely different than my usual genres of choice, and while it was considered fiction; I have no doubt in my mind that it isn’t real life to someone out in the real world.
I wish I had read the first book – A Dress the Color of the Sky. I can only assume the first book gave more background on the main character, Prue. While I did not read the first book, only the second; I didn’t feel like I had to read the first book – it’s more of a want. A Dress the Color of the Moon did a good job at giving me details that allowed me to understand what has happened to get us where we were.
Being a psychology major who has studied addiction most of my education; this read was right up my alley. It gave a different insight into addiction and recovery from the addicts view point vs the therapist viewpoint. A lot of what an addicts journey in recovery can be applied to a lot of every day life for your average, no addict person as well which is where I stopped and found myself thinking into a lot of what was written. It also makes you wonder how some of us aren’t more screwed up than we are with the trauma we have experienced!
If you enjoy fiction and can handle the triggers of childhood trauma, s3x addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide; A Dress the Color of the Moon is a recommended read.