Synopses & Reviews
For Principle of Accounting Courses
Students understand (or “get it”) right after you do a problem in class. However, as soon as they leave class, their ability to do the problems and complete their homework diminishes with each passing hour. Often times this results in students struggling to complete their homework on their own. Even worse, the frustration can lead to students quitting on the material altogether and falling behind in the course. As a result, an entire class can fall behind as instructors attempt to keep everyone on the same page.
With the Accounting 8e Student Learning System, all features of the student textbook, study resources and online homework system are designed to work together to provide students with more “I Get It!” moments. The consistency, repetition and strong details throughout the entire student learning system allow students to achieve success both inside and outside the classroom while keeping both instructors and students on track.
Students understand, or “get it”, right after a problem is demonstrated in class but often struggle to complete similar problems on their homework hours later. In order to ensure students don’t fall behind, Accounting provides its winning combination of student textbook features, study resources and online homework system that make up the Student Learning System. Overall, the Student Learning System works together to provide students with “I get it!” moments anytime, anywhere.
In the new edition, Charles Horngren and Tom Harrison have invited Suzanne Oliver, a loyal Accounting user and community college instructor, to share her extensive insight with their already solid author team.
About the Author
The powerful author team of the Horngren/Harrison franchise is comprised of Charles Horngren and Tom Harrison. Both highly respected professors in academia and in the accounting industry, they joined together to write a text to provide students with a solid foundation of the principles of accounting. Accounting was the first text to tie accounting concepts to the business reasons behind them. Charles and Tom recognized that most students will USE accounting information, not simply create it. In Accounting, the authors talk to the business person or the USER of the accounting information, which engages the non-major, business student. Over the years, the Accounting franchise became a trusted, tried and true choice for instructors who wanted their students to learn accounting with the traditional framework but with modern application.
For the 8th edition, Horngren and Harrison invited Suzanne Oliver to join the already solid author team. Suzanne Oliver brings her detailed knowledge of the series from her years of active use of the text in her courses and also as an author of the MyAccountingLab content and instructor resources. In addition, Suzanne contributes an invaluable element of her teaching experience at community colleges and in varied classroom environments (traditional, hybrid and online). Together, the author team’s goal was to retain the traditional, solid accounting foundation of the text while adding a modern Table of Contents and fresh new approach to reach today’s students. This revision of the text further strengthens the textbook component of the Student Learning System and provides consistency for students throughout the text, the study resources and MyAccountingLab.
Charles Horngren
Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Accounting, Emeritus, at Stanford University. A graduate of Marquette University, he received his M.B.A. from Harvard University and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He is also the recipient of honorary doctorates from Marquette University and DePaul University.A Certified Public Accountant, Horngren served on the Accounting Principles Board for six years, the Financial Accounting Standards Board Advisory Council for five years, and the Council of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for three years. For six years, he served as a trustee of the Financial Accounting Foundation, which oversees the Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Government Accounting Standards Board. Horngren is a member of the Accounting Hall of Fame. A member of the American Accounting Association, Horngren has been its President and its Director of Research. He received its first annual Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. The California Certified Public Accountants Foundation gave Horngren its Faculty Excellence Award and its Distinguished Professor Award. He is the first person
to have received both awards. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants presented its first Outstanding Educator Award to Horngren. Horngren was named Accountant of the Year, Education, by the national professional accounting fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi. Professor Horngren is also a member of the Institute of Management Accountants, from whom he has received its Distinguished Service Award. He was a member of the Institute’s Board of Regents, which administers the Certified Management Accountant examinations.
Tom Harrison
Professor Emeritus of Accounting at the Hankamer School of Business, Baylor University. He received his B.B.A. degree from Baylor University, his M.S. from Oklahoma State University, and his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Professor Harrison, recipient of numerous teaching awards from student groups as well as from university administrators, has also taught at Cleveland State Community College, Michigan State University, the University of Texas, and Stanford University. A member of the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Professor Harrison has served as Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Committee of the American Accounting Association, on the Teaching/Curriculum Development Award Committee, on the Program Advisory Committee for Accounting Education and Teaching, and on the Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Committee. Professor Harrison has lectured in several foreign countries and published articles in numerous journals, including Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Accountancy, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Economic Consequences of Financial AccountingStandards, Accounting Horizons, Issues in Accounting Education, and Journal of Lawand Commerce. Professor Harrison has received scholarships, fellowships, and research grants or awards from PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Deloitte & Touche, the Ernst & Young Foundation, and the KPMG Foundation
M Suzanne Oliver
M. Suzanne Oliver is an assistant professor of accounting at Northwest Florida State College in Niceville, Florida. She received her B.A in Accounting Information Systems and her Masters in Accountancy from the University of West Florida.
Professor Oliver began her career in accounting in the tax department of a regional accounting firm, specializing in benefit plan administration. She has served as a software analyst for a national software development firm (CPASoftware) and as the Oracle Fixed Assets Analyst for Spirit Energy, formerly part of Union Oil of California.(Unocal). A Certified Public Accountant, Oliver is a member of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Professor Oliver has taught Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Tax Accounting, Accounting Software Applications, Payroll Accounting, Auditing, Accounting Systems, Advanced Accounting, Managerial Finance, Business Math, and Supervision. She has also taught Pension continuing education classes for CPAs and has developed and instructed online courses using, WebCT, and other proprietary software.
Professor Oliver lives in Niceville where she is a member if the First United Methodist Church with her husband Greg and son C.J..
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Accounting and the Business Environment
CHAPTER 2 Recording Business Transactions
CHAPTER 3 The Adjusting Process
Appendix 3A Alternative Treatment of Prepaid Expenses and Unearned Revenues
CHAPTER 4 Completing the Accounting Cycle
Appendix 4A Reversing Entries: An Optional Step
CHAPTER 5 Merchandising Operations
Appendix 5A Work Sheet for a Merchandising Business
Appendix 5B Accounting for Merchandise in a Periodic Inventory System
CHAPTER 6 Merchandise Inventory
Appendix 6A Accounting for Inventory in a Periodic System
CHAPTER 7 Internal Control and Cash
CHAPTER 8 Receivables
Appendix 8A Discounting a Note Receivable
CHAPTER 9 Plant Assets and Intangibles
CHAPTER 10 Current Liabilities, Payroll, and Long-Term Liabilities
Appendix 10A The Time Value of Money: Present Value of a Bond and Effective-Interest Amortization
Appendix 10B Retiring and Converting Bonds Payable
CHAPTER 11 Corporations: Paid-In Capital and the Balance Sheet
CHAPTER 12 Corporations: Effects on Retained Earnings and the Income Statement
CHAPTER 13 The Statement of Cash Flows
Appendix 13A Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows by the Direct Method
Appendix 13B Preparing the Indirect Statement of Cash Flows Using a Spreadsheet
CHAPTER 14 Financial Statement Analysis
CHAPTER 15 Introduction to Management Accounting
CHAPTER 16 Job Order and Process Costing
Appendix 16A Process Costing - Weighted-Average Method
CHAPTER 17 Activity-Based Costing and Other Cost Management Tools
CHAPTER 18 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Appendix 18A Variable Costing and Absorption Costing
CHAPTER 19 Short-Term Business Decisions
CHAPTER 20 Capital Investment Decisions and the Time Value of Money
CHAPTER 21 The Master Budget and Responsibility Accounting
CHAPTER 22 Flexible Budgets and Standard Costs
CHAPTER 23 Performance Evaluation and the Balanced Scorecard
Appendix 23A Allocating Service Department Costs
APPENDIX A 2007 Annual Report A-1
APPENDIX B Present Value Tables B-1
APPENDIX C Check Figures C-1
Photo Credits PC-1
Glindex G-1
Company Index I-1