Synopses & Reviews
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Table of Contents
Contributors Acknowledgments1. Action and Appearance: An IntroductionCharles Barbour and Magdalena Zolkos2. Recalling Arendt on ThinkingRobert Burch3. Politics and Worldliness in the Thought of Hannah ArendtMichael Janover4. The Space of Appearance and the Space of TruthAndrew Brennan and Jeff Malpas5. Daimon Appearances and the Heideggerian Influence in Arendt's Account of Political ActionTrevor Tchir6. Individuality and Politics: thinking with and beyond Hannah ArendtAnna Yeatman 7. The Saving Power of Social Action: Arendt between Weber and FoucaultThomas M. Kemple8. On Action: The Appearance of the LawPeg Birmingham9. Ethics and the Vocation of PoliticsSteve Buckler10. Individual Responsibility and Political Authority: Hannah Arendt at the Intersection of Moral and Political PhilosophyPhillip Hansen11. The Miraculous Power of Forgiveness and the PromiseMarguerite La Caze12. Hannah Arendt's "Comedy": Antisemitism as Synecdoche in The Origins of TotalitarianismKaryn Ball13. "Never Seek to Tell Thy Love:" Hannah Arendt and the SecretCharles Barbour14. Arendt's Metamorphic Figurations in "The Jew as Pariah"Magdalena ZolkosNotesIndex