Synopses & Reviews
This edited collection examines the ways in which football in Africa is intimately bound up with deeper social, cultural and political currents, using the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa as a lens for this analysis. Drawing from a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives, the volume explores symbolic inscriptions and multiple narratives around the first World Cup on African soil and how these narratives inform an understanding of football and Africa. The authors are drawn from diverse disciplines across cultural studies, sports science, journalism, media studies and sociology, and they tackle four key themes: identity construction, African fan cultures, African media narratives and global media narratives. Empirical data is gleaned from a variety of sources such archival media texts, blogs, travelogues, diary material, ethnographic interviews and other online sources. This is the first book to consider African football as mediated discourse around which multiple narratives cohere.
This edited volume addresses key debates around African football, identity construction, fan cultures, and both African and global media narratives. Using the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa as a lens, it explores how football in Africa is intimately bound up with deeper social, cultural and political currents.
About the Author
Tendai Chari is a Lecturer in the Media Studies Department at the University of Venda, South Africa. His other publications have appeared in Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, African Identities and Journal of African Media Studies (JAMS).
Nhamo A. Mhiripiri is a Visiting Lecturer at St Augustine University, Tanzania and a Senior Lecturer at Midlands State University, Zimbabwe.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Towards an Epistemology of African Football - the Symbolic Significance of 2010 FIFA World Cup; Nhamo A. Mhiripiri and Tendai Chari
1. Nation-Building and the FIFA World Cup, South Africa 2010; Nathalie Hyde-Clarke, Rune Ottosen and Toby Miller2. To the Cape and Back: A World Cup Diary - Football Tourism, Narratives of South Africa and the FIFA 2010 World Cup; Luke Jones3. The 2010 World Cup Celebrations in a Non-Hosting Location: Voices from the Periphery; Kiran Odhav4. South African FIFA World Cup 2010: African Players Global Labor Distribution and Impact on the Domestic Game; Njororai Wycliffe5. New-Found Fan Culture; Emma Durden6. Zimbabwean Female Audiences: Negotiating (En)Gendered Spaces in the 2010 FIFA World Cup; Rosemary Chikafa7. Noisemaker or Cultural Symbol: The Vuvuzela Controversy and Expressions of Football Fandom; Jeffrey W Kassing8. Nigeria: Media Narratives and Reports of Football from Within; Chuka Onwumechili9. Unmaking the Dark Continent: South Africa, Africa and the Image Make-Over Narrative in the South African Press; Tendai Chari10. Imploding or Perpetuating African Myths through Reporting South Africa 2010 World Cup Stories on Economic Opportunity; Joyce Tsitsi Mhiripiri and Nhamo Anthony Mhiripiri11. The FIFA World Cup 2010 in the German Media: Presentation and Construction of a Large Sports Event; Thomas Horky and Christoph G. Grimmer12. A Unique Period? An Analysis of the Coverage of Africa during the 2010 FIFA World Cup in Selected Western Media; Teke Ngomba13. Of Sunsets, Savagery, and Soccer: Framing Africa during the Final Days of the 2010 World Cup; Bernadine Jones14. Afro-Pessimism in the French and British Press Coverage of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa; Toussaint Nothias