Synopses & Reviews
It is difficult to find an area of public policy more plagued by misunderstanding than energy policy. Even worse, every time the subject is raised, we are obligated to get mired in pointless arguments about the weather. This book helps set the record straight. Not convinced? Consider some of these inconvenient truths: The cost of green energy climate remediation is anywhere from 10 to 1,000 times greater than the damage from the climate change it attempts to alleviate. Obama's carbon tax would cost Americans $1.2 trillion over just ten years, but would only reduce the midrange three-degree modeled twenty-second-century global temperature increase by 0.038 degrees Celsius. This is not another skeptical global warming polemic, but an economic evaluation of how and why green energy will fail. A thoroughly researched, heavily documented book by an expert in his field, it will demonstrate in meticulous detail how wasteful and economically inefficient Obama's green energy future will be compared to other worthy alternatives.