Synopses & Reviews
Focuses for the first time on materials development and applications of current research and theory for the main areas of applied linguistics (e.g. second language acquisition, pragmatics, vocabulary studies). There are many books on applied linguistic theory and research and there are now a number of books on the principled development of materials for language learning, but this book takes a new approach by connecting the two concerns.
Each of its chapters first of all presents relevant theories and research conclusions for its area and then considers practical applications for materials development. The chapters achieve these applications by reporting and commenting on current theory and research, by analysing the match between current published materials and current theory and by suggesting and exemplifying applications of current theory to materials development.
This will be an essential resource both for those studying or teaching materials development and for those studying or teaching applied linguistics.
Applies applied linguistic theories to the development of materials for language learning to add new depth to the field.
About the Author
Brian Tomlinson is
a Visiting Professor at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. He has worked in
Japan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, the UK, Vanuatu and Zambia and has
given presentations in over sixty countries. He is Founder and President of
MATSDA and has published many articles and books on materials development and
on aspects of language teaching and language acquisition.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Applied Linguistics and Materials Development BrianTomlinson \ Part I: Learning and Teaching Languages \ 2. SecondLanguage Acquisition Brian Tomlinson \ 3. Beyond Semantics: Moving Language in Foreign Language Learning Peter Lutzker \ 4. Classroom Research Brian Tomlinson 5. Language Learning for Young Learners Irma-Kaarina Ghosn \ Comments on Part I Brian Tomlinson \ Part II: Aspects ofLanguage Use \ 6. Spoken Language Research: The Applied Linguistic ChallengeIvor Timmis \ 7. Vocabulary Alan Maley \ 8. Pragmatics AndrewCohen and Noriko Ishihara \ 9. The Application of Discourse Analysis toMaterials Design for Language Teaching BenFenton-Smith \ 10. Intercultural Competence Michael Byram and HitomiMasuhara \ Comments on Part II Brian Tomlinson \ Part III:Language Skills \ 11. Reading AlanMaley andPhilip Prowse \ 12. The Teaching of Reading in English forYoung Learners: Some Considerations and Next Steps Annie Hughes \ 13. Listeningin Another