Synopses & Reviews
In recent years interest in schools outreach and academic enrichment has increased dramatically, reflecting a greater social conscience and awareness of the impact that universities can have on the wider community. The transferable skills that academics bring to schools need to be honed for this new learning environment, as delivery methods and success benchmarks are radically different in a schools context. This collection addresses the numerous issues raised when arts and humanities academics become involved with schools, bringing together practitioners from a broad range of fields within the arts and humanities to share experiences and insights.
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A critical exploration of the pedagogical and practical issues that are raised when Arts academics engage in primary and secondary schools outreach.
About the Author
Geoff Baker is Head of Domain (French, Geography, History, Personal Development and Religious Education) at The Thomas Cowley High School in Donington, Lincolnshire
Andrew Fisher is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Nottingham, UK.
Table of Contents
Geoff Baker and Andrew Fisher \
Part I: Schools Outreach in Context \ 1. Encountering Expertise: The value and practice of academics in schools
Alan Dewar \ 2. Sitting on the Fence or Breaking Through the Hedge: Risk-taking, incentives and institutional barriers to outreach work among academics and students
Helen Lovatt \
Part II: Teaching and Learning in Schools Outreach \ 3. Bridging the Pedagogical Divide between Universities and Schools
Geoff Baker \ 4. What does it mean ‘to be good at ICT' - at school and at university?
Terry Haydn \ 5. Exploring the Links between Creative Teaching and Learning: Lessons learnt from science and engineering outreach
Janice Yelland-Sutcliffe \ 6. Creativity for All: Promoting creative learning in schools outreach
Sarah Turner \
Part III: Teaching Complex and Controversial Issues \ 7. Academics Teaching Philosophy to Primary School Children
Andrew Fisher \ 8. Chains and Controversia: Non-judgementally exploring the richness of the past with primary school children
Cressida Ryan \ 9. Teaching about the Holocaust: Perspectives on what, why, how and when
Gary Mills \ 10. Transferring findings from Genocide Education Research into Strategies for Teaching and Learning about Genocide in Schools
Rolf Wiesemes \ 11. Exploring Spirituality in Schools Outreach
Paul Cavill \
Part IV: The Impact of Schools Outreach \ 12. Measuring the Social Impact of Schools Outreach
Sharon Clancy \ 13. Schools Outreach Experienced
Geoff Baker and Andrew Fisher \ 14. Conclusion
Geoff Baker and Andrew Fisher \ Bibliography \ Index