Synopses & Reviews
By the authors of RESURGENT: HOW CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATISM CAN SAVE AMERICA, Barack Obamas shocking plan to take over the government,
the elections, the economy, the American consciousness,
and even our personal freedoms
From noted conservative leader Ken Blackwell and Washington, D.C.-based constitutional attorney and journalist Ken Klukowski comes an urgently needed book about President Barack Obamas blueprint to centralize power in the White House, subvert the Constitution, and transform the United States of America into a militant, secular welfare state dominated by an overbearing central government.
The authors identify and discuss more than twenty tactics being taken by the Obama administration to restructure the country and ensure perpetual liberal rulesuch as changing voting laws, politicizing the census, coercing corporations into adopting its policies, planning to destroy talk radio, and seeking to make millions of illegal aliens into voting citizens. By means both sharp and subtle, President Obama aims to change Americans views about government, liberty, and even God.
· Czars: The authors show how Obama is installing a shadow government of radical appointees not subject to Senate confirmation and answerable to no one but him.
· Courts: The authors have insider knowledge of how Obama will pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with activist judges who will overstep their constitutional authority.
· When Lawmaking becomes Lawbreaking: The authors reveal the ways Obama is consolidating lawmaking power in the White House, in direct violation of our nations separation of powers.
· Changing the American Identity: The authors show how Obama is using unconstitutional tactics to change how we conduct commerce, how we vote, our right to bear arms, and the free-speech rights of opposition voices.
The reader will find nuggets of information [in The Blueprint] that are in fact sensational. . . . Mr. Klukowski and Mr. Blackwell see an administration pushing for international regulation of economic activity and the breakdown of state sovereignty. . . . If Mr. Obama is re-elected, this book predicts we will not only have the most liberal [Supreme] Court, but it will be the most liberal in history. And we will have this liberal Court for at least a quarter-century. If that alone doesnt galvanize the right, its difficult to fathom what will.”
Washington Times
With their characteristic style, Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski offer compelling arguments and insights demonstrating that much of President Obamas agenda undermines our Constitution and Americas system of limited government that keeps us free. An important and timely book.”
Edwin Meese III, Former Attorney General of the United States and Counselor to President Ronald Reagan
Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski do an outstanding job showing how much of President Obamas agenda, which is undermining Americas families, also violates our constitutional rights. This is a must read!”
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council
The Blueprint proves beyond a doubt that much of Barack Obamas power grab is more than just terrible for our economy; its unconstitutional. Share this book with your friends.”
Steve Forbes, Chairman and CEO of Forbes Media, and former presidential candidate
By the authors of RESURGENT: HOW CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATISM CAN SAVE AMERICA, Barack Obama's shocking plan to take over the government, the elections, the economy, the American consciousness, and even our personal freedoms From noted conservative leader Ken Blackwell and Washington, D.C.-based constitutional attorney and journalist Ken Klukowski comes an urgently needed book about President Barack Obama's blueprint to centralize power in the White House, subvert the Constitution, and transform the United States of America into a militant, secular welfare state dominated by an overbearing central government. The authors identify and discuss more than twenty tactics being taken by the Obama administration to restructure the country and ensure perpetual liberal rule-such as changing voting laws, politicizing the census, coercing corporations into adopting its policies, planning to destroy talk radio, and seeking to make millions of illegal aliens into voting citizens. By means both sharp and subtle, President Obama aims to change Americans' views about government, liberty, and even God. * - Czars: The authors show how Obama is installing a shadow government of radical appointees not subject to Senate confirmation and answerable to no one but him. - Courts: The authors have insider knowledge of how Obama will pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with activist judges who will overstep their constitutional authority. - When Lawmaking becomes Lawbreaking: The authors reveal the ways Obama is consolidating lawmaking power in the White House, in direct violation of our nation's separation of powers. - Changing the American Identity: The authors show how Obama is using unconstitutional tactics to change how we conduct commerce, how we vote, our right to bear arms, and the free-speech rights of opposition voices.
By the authors of RESURGENT: HOW CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATISM CAN SAVE AMERICA, an urgent and unsettling book that exposes President Barack Obamas blueprint. Conservative leaders Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski identify a pattern of unconstitutional acts that form Obamas plan to build a big-government collectivist society on the ruins of our Founding Fathers nation. Its coordinated. Its dangerous. And its real.
About the Author
Ken Blackwell, one of Americas leading conservative voices, is a senior fellow with the Family Research Council and the American Civil Rights Union. He has served as Ohios state treasurer and secretary of state, mayor of Cincinnati, undersecretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Blackwell is a contributing editor for, and his columns appear in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, New York Post, American Spectator, American Thinker, World Magazine, and on and
Ken Klukowski is a constitutional lawyer and journalist whose work is published by,, and, as well as some of Americas most influential newspapers. He is a fellow and senior legal analyst with the American Civil Rights Union.