Synopses & Reviews
This thoroughly revised Second Edition begins with a brief introduction to citrus processing followed by a review of corporate and business fundamentals applied specifically to the citrus processing industry. Other items covered include the integration of computer communications, descriptions of equipment and engineering needed to put a plant together, quality control, and procedures and ramifications of juice characteristics. Includes color plates.
Citrus juices are the most common among the fruit juices around the world and constitute a major portion of the food industry. Even though juice-processing technology has been around for many years, interest in historical and modem in- novations and applications is widespread. New juice enterprises are springing up constantly all over the world. Old enterprises are constantly undergoing change, growth, and development. The Internet has expanded the reach of many, not only for information but for marketing and production alterations. The World Wide Web has made the wide world one. Computer technology alone is growing faster than the oranges on the trees. With these multifaceted changes, a need has emerged for an update to the first edition of Citrus Processing. The second edition of Citrus Processing has expanded its scope beyond the quality control theme of the first edition. I have used a more holistic approach to the subject of citrus processing. Those using this text in the classroom will find it more comprehensive in its treatment of the subject. The first edition targeted the industrial technologist. The second edition approaches citrus processing as a complete subject, assuming an audience interested in learning from the ground up. This new approach should be particularly appealing to those unfamiliar with the industry. Even so, experienced industrialists will find the information con- tained here contemporary, futuristic, and fundamental.
1319009 Includes bibliographical references and index.
Table of Contents
Introduction. Description of Citrus Fruit. Citrus-Processing Management. Processing Methods, Equipment, and Engineering. Quality Control. Analyses of Brix, Soluble Solids, Acids, Oils, and Pulp. Analyses of Other Citrus Juice Characteristics. Analyses of Citrus Microbiology. Analyses of Processing Contamination. Analyses of Adulteration. Citrus Byproducts. Research and Development: The Future of Citrus Processing. Index