Synopses & Reviews
Classic themes and hymn tune combinations continue to be a popular choice for church pianists and this collection fills that need in dynamic fashion. Traditional in nature, these Marilyn Reimer arrangements are an ideal resource for the advanced pianist in worship service and concert settings. Excerpts from master composers such as Bach, Debussy, Brahms and Chopin are coupled with favorite classic and gospel hymns of the church. Contents: Amazing Grace (with Saint-Saens' The Swan) * Christmas Eve Lullaby (with Brahms' Three Intermezzi) * Fairest Lord Jesus (with Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata) * Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty (with Dvorak's Largo) * Jesus Loves Me (with Debussy's Clair de Lune) * More Love to Thee (with Chopin's Douze Etude) * My Jesus, I Love Thee (with Chopin's Etude) * Rejoice, The Lord Is King (with Bach's Invention No. 8) * 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (with Rubenstein's Kamennoi Ostrow) * What a Friend We Have in Jesus (with Sibelius' Romance) * When Morning Gilds the Skies (with Grieg's Morning).