Synopses & Reviews
Connection. Competition. Collaboration. These three words define management of college libraries, today and in the future. They also describe the contents of this book, which focus on planning for the multiple directions that college library managers must consider and act upon. Contributed chapters cover the challenges nearly all must face, such as understanding users, information literacy, staff alignment, and the integration of physical building and function. Some chapters contain studies and models that can be replicated at similar institutions. Others offer documentation that can be used in reports or presentations to administrators and boards. Together, they convey a plethora of good ideas for responding to customers, competitors, technologies, and stakeholders.
"[T]his book address issues relating to rising trends in academic library management. Starting with a description of the emerging generation of academic library patrons (i.e., the Millenial generation) and Web 2.0 technology, the essays focus on a range of timely topics -- from a discussion of the change role of the library as a place to an entire section devoted to issues of information literacy….[P]rovides a worthy introduction to the vast array of emerging themes and trends that will impact the future of academic libraries and library school collections." - Library Journal
"Although it refers exclusively to libraries in the US, this book would be useful for libraries in smaller academic libraries around the world, as the challenges faced are likely to be largely similar. It focuses on practical ideas for responding to customers, competitors, technologies and stakeholders and ensuring that college libraries can survive in the twenty-first century, but, crucially, the practical advice is supported by references to supporting research as well as the experiences of the authors. All the authors succeed in conveying their enthusiasm for the topic, and their optimism for the future of college libraries. This book would be invaluable for anyone looking for new ideas to respond effectively to the challenges facing smaller academic libraries, or wishing to re-examine the way in which they deliver services and develop a coherent plan for the future." - New Library World
"It offers an optimistic and enthusiastic approach which will serve library managers well to make libraries ever more relevant to their many stakeholders." - The Australian Library Journal
Twenty plus academic library managers offer studies, models, and documentation, in addition to sound advice on how to plan strategically for greatest effect across the campus.
About the Author
JANET MCNEIL HURLBERT is Associate Dean and Director of Library Services, Snowden Library, Lycoming College, Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Table of Contents
I. Analyzing Our Users: Making the Connection
II. The Integration of Form and Function: Buildings and Services
III. Collaboration for Learning: Managing Information Literacy
IV. Promoting the Library: Competition and Collaboration
V. Integration of Staff, Services, and Assessment: What Is Needed? How Will We Know? Who Will Do It?
VI. Connections for College Archives: Taking on New Missions
VII. Issues and Challenges for the Future: A Bibliographic Essay