Synopses & Reviews
This third and greatly enlarged explosive edition of
Defrauding America exposes an alarming degree of government corruption that is undermining national security and inflicting great harm upon America and the American public. It helps to show how 19 hijackers were able to seize four airliners, after 40 years of fatal hijackings that occurred despite the governments knowledge of how to prevent these tragic events.
Defrauding America is one of the most explosive books on the market, revealing the alarming high-level government corruption that is secretly destroying the foundation upon which the United States has survived. The book provides insight into how efforts can be taken to reduce the threat of government misconduct upon your business, your family, and yourself.
A coalition of government agents and deep-cover operatives (FBI, CIA, DEA, ONI and others) reveal government corruption that they discovered during their official duties, or in which they were ordered to participate. The book is authored by former federal investigator Rodney Stich, who has written three editions of Unfriendly Skies, three editions of Defrauding America, and one edition of Disavow. The serious misconduct was first discovered by the author while he was a federal inspector and investigator with the Federal Aviation Administration, responsible for air safety at the worlds largest airline. Aggressive investigations over a 30-year period revealed far more corruption implicating people in control of key government offices. The book is a classic.