Synopses & Reviews
In this second volume of his two-volume text on the scattering of x-rays and thermal neutrons from non-ideal (real) crystals, the late Professor M.A. Krivoglaz considers in great detail the general topic of fluctuations in solids and their elucidation through scattering experiments. While Vol. 1 concentrated on defects and imperfections - and introduced a good deal of general formalism - the present volume deals more with equilibrium fluctuations in the various order parameters of a crystal, including concentration, positional, and orientational fluctuations, as well as considering the variety of interactions responsible for the observed (diffuse) scattering patterns. Both theoretical and experimental situations are treated and a wide range of solids, including metals, alloys, semiconductors, and insulators are covered. As in Vol. 1, the experimentalist is certain to find one or another aspect of the fluctuation spectrum for his particular sample treated with the detailed care and insight for which M.A. Krivoglaz is renowned. As we come increasingly to appreciate the importance of disorder in solids, this book will become an indispensible guide to the study of disordered crystals.
Mikhail Alexandrovich Krivoglaz died unexpectedly when he was preparing the English edition of his two-volume monograph on diffraction and diffuse scattering of X-rays and neutrons in imperfect crystals. His death was a heavy blow to all who knew him, who had worked with him and to the world science community as a whole. The application of the diffraction techniques for the study of imperfections of crystal structures was the major field of Krivoglaz' work throughout his career in science. He started working in the field in the mid-fifties and since then made fundamental contributions to the theory of real crystals. His results have largely determined the current level of knowledge in this field for more than thirty years. Until the very last days of his life, Krivoglaz continued active studies in the physics of diffraction effects in real crystals. His interest in the theory aided in the explanation of the rapidly advancing experimental studies. The milestones marking important stages of his work were the first monograph on the theory of X-ray and neutron scattering in real crystals which was published in Russian in 1967 (a revised English edition in 1969), and the two-volume mono- graph published in Russian in 1983-84 (this edition is the revised translation of the latter).
This is the second volume of a two-volume text on the scattering of x-rays and thermal neutrons from non-ideal (real) crystals. It deals with equilibrium fluctuations in the various order parameters of a crystal including concentration, positional, and orientational fluctuations, considering also the variety of interactions responsible for the observed (diffuse) scattering patterns. Both theoretical and experimental situations are treated and a wide range of solids, including metals, alloys, semiconductors, and insulators are covered. As we come increasingly to appreciate the importance of disorder in solids, this book will become an indispensable guide to the study of disordered crystals.