Synopses & Reviews
"The great iconoclast of literary criticism." John Sutherland
"It’s a rare literary critic who attracts so much public attention, and there’s a good reason: few are as hellbent on rethinking the way we talk about literature." Guardian
"Moretti, a mythopoeic figure, generates around himself a dense network of folklore and apocrypha." Times Literary Supplement
"Moretti is already famous in bookish circles for his data-centric approach to novels, which he graphs, maps, and charts ... if his new methods catch on, they could change the way we look at literary history." n+1
"Distant reading might prove to be a powerful tool for studying literature." Wired
"A great iconoclast of literary criticism." John Sutherland
The formation of an unorthodox literary critic
About the Author
Franco Moretti teaches literature at Stanford, where he directs the Literary Lab. He is the author of Signs Taken for Wonders, The Way of the World, Modern Epic, Atlas of the European Novel 1800–1900, and Graphs, Maps, Trees as well as chief editor of The Novel.