Synopses & Reviews
Drama Education with Digital Technology explores the rapidly evolving intersections between drama, digital gaming, technology and teaching. It documents the praxis (practice and research) that move beyond anecdotal discussion of approaches and design. The contributors explore the realities of teaching an ancient aesthetic form in classrooms full of technologically able students. It also examines cases from classroom practice to present teaching, with approaches and understandings that are based on evidence and supported by cutting edge learning theory from educational leaders in drama and technology.
Drama Education with Digital Technology explores the rapidly evolving intersections between drama, digital gaming, technology and teaching. It documents the praxis (practice and research) that move beyond anecdotal discussion of approaches and design.
The contributors explore the realities of teaching an ancient aesthetic form in classrooms full of technologically able students. It also examines cases from classroom practice to present teaching, with approaches and understandings that are based on evidence and supported by cutting edge learning theory from educational leaders in drama and technology.
Drama Education with Digital Technology explores the rapidly evolving intersections between drama, digital gaming, technology and teaching. It documents the praxis (practice and research) that move beyond anecdotal discussion of approaches and design.
The contributors explore the realities of teaching an ancient aesthetic form in classrooms full of technologically able students. It also examines cases from classroom practice to present teaching, with approaches and understandings that are based on evidence and supported by cutting edge learning theory from educational leaders in drama and technology.
Table of Contents
Foreword \ Introduction \ 1. Potential to Reality: Drama, Technology and Education
David Cameron and Michael Anderson \ 2. When Worlds Collude: Exploring the Relationship Between the Actual, the Dramatic and the Virtual
Julie Dunn and John O'Toole \ 3. Lip Sync: Performative Placebos in The Digital Age
Paul Sutton \ 4. Mashup: Digital Media and Drama Conventions
David Cameron \ 5. Open The Loop
Peter O'Connor \ 6. Point of View: Linking Applied Drama and Digital Games
John Carroll \ 7. Audio Drama and Museums: Informal Learning, Drama and Technology
Anna Farthing \ 8. Digital Storytelling and Drama: Language, Image and Empathy
Kirsty McGeoch and John Hughes \ 9. ‘A blog says i am here!': Encouraging Reflection on Performance-Making and Drama Practice Through Blogs
Jo Raphael \ 10. Interactive drama using cyberspaces
Sue Davis \ 11. Digital Theatre and Online Narrative
Rebecca Wotzko and John Carroll \ 12. Enter The Matrix: The Relationship Between Drama and Film
Miranda Jefferson and Michael Anderson \ 13. Second Life/Simulation: Online Sites for Generative Play
Kim Flintoff \ Afterword \ Index