, September 27, 2016
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In the early 1960s, Virgil and his wife, Mavine, own a gas station in Eden Hill, Kentucky. He named it “Osgood’s” because that’s his last name and it’s a good name. People rarely come to Eden Hill as their destination, so when a young husband and his pregnant wife drive up to Osgood’s, looking for directions back to the highway, it’s noticed. When he pauses at the lot with a “For Sale” sign directly across from Osgood’s, it nearly causes a commotion. Virgil is also concerned about Mavine. You see, when Mavine was getting her hair done that Friday afternoon, she read a Pageant Magazine that included an article by a leading expert about marriage. With a helpful quiz to determine the state of one’s marriage. Up until then, Mavine had been so busy with other things in her life that she hadn’t paid much attention, but not she saw their marriage was in serious trouble. After Mavine tearfully hands Virgil her copy of Pageant, worn down from her worrying.“Question Two: How long has it been since you and your husband have had an intimate romantic dinner together? She had checked, ‘six months or more.’ This didn’t make sense at all, because Mavine had cooked a full meal almost every night of their entire married life.”Puzzled, he goes back to contemplating what to do about the gas station moving in across the street, but you can’t solve everything in one day.
Many thanks for the ARC provided by Tyndale House Publishers, NetGalley and author Bill Higgs.