Synopses & Reviews
Do street children go to school, and if not, why not? What kind of education can be 'meaningful' to young people affected by conflict?
The contributors explore groups of children and young people who have no, or very limited, educational opportunities in various contexts, including Vietnam, Ukraine, the UK, the USA, and India. They explore a number of educational initiatives that have contributed to improving the lives of disadvantaged children, drawing on the perceptions and experiences of disadvantaged children and young people themselves.
Each chapter contains contemporary questions to encourage active engagement with the material and an annotated list of suggested reading to support further exploration.
About the Author
Mitsuko Matsumoto gained her DPhil at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK. She currently collaborates with el Fundación Education para el Empleo in Madrid, Spain, and has worked for the UN Liaison Office of Soka Gakkai International, a Buddhist association that promotes peace, culture and education.
Table of Contents
Notes on Contributors
Series Editors Preface,
Colin Brock
Mitsuko Matsumoto (University of Oxford, UK)
1. Building Relationships to Engage At-Risk Youth: A Case Study of a New York City Public High School,
Maria Hantzopoulos (Vassar College, USA)
2. Schooling for Youth and Community Empowerment and Resilience During and After Violent Conflict,
Zeena Zakharia (Columbia University, USA)
3. Change 4 Me? Young Refugees' and Migrants' Research on Social Inclusion in London,
Aoife OHiggins (University of Oxford, UK) and Rosalind Evans (Refugee Youth Project, UK)
4. Education and Disadvantaged Children in India,
Mohammad Akhtar Siddiqui (Jamia Millia Islamia Central University, India)
5. Vulnerable Children in Ukraine and the Educational Response,
Margaryta Danilko (Kirovograd State Pedagogical University, Ukraine) and Nadiya Ivanenko (Kirovograd State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
6. The Use of Sports and College Student Role Models to Enhance Educational Outcomes Among Rural Vietnamese Adolescents,
Parker Goyer (Harvard University, USA)
7. Long-term Social Development through Sport: A Path to Peace,
Colin Higgs (Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, Canada), Carla Thachuk (Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, Canada), Hannah Juneau (Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, Canada), Rachael Kalaba (Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, Canada),
and Natalie Brett (Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, Canada)
Mitsuko Matsumoto (University of Oxford, UK)