Synopses & Reviews
Education in South-East Asia is a comprehensive critical reference guide to education in South East Asia. With chapters written by an international team of leading regional education experts, the book explores the education systems of the ten member states of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the state of Timor-Leste. The diverse range and forms of culture, religion and politics embedded in the region are exhibited in the distinctive education systems that inter-relate in one of the most integrated regions in the world.
Including a comparative introduction to the issues facing education in the region as a whole and guides to available online datasets, this Handbook will be an essential reference for researchers, scholars, international agencies and policy-makers at all levels.
Exploring contemporary issues and challenges facing education in South-East Asia, this Handbook covers the 10 member states of the ASEAN and Timor-Leste.
About the Author
Lorraine Pe Symaco is Director of the Centre for Research in International and Comparative Education (CRICE) at the University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Table of Contents
Series Editor Preface \ Notes on Contributors \1. Education and Issues in South East Asia: A Regional Overview
Lorraine Pe Symaco \ 2. Brunei Darussalam: Planning for Educational transformation and ICT in Education
Murray Brown and Haji Abdul Rahim Derus \ 3. Cambodia: Educational Leadership From Dependency to Sovereignty - Challenges and Response
Vincent McNamara \4. Cambodia: Higher Education
Luise Ahrens and Vincent McNamara \5. Indonesia: The Challenges of Quality and Equity in Education
Mark Heyward and Sopantini \ 6. Indonesia: Islamic Higher Education - Periphery within Periphery?
Anthony Welch and Saefudin Syafi'i \ 7. Lao PDR: The Great Transformation
Richard Noonan, Phouvanh Phommalangsy, and Inthasone Phetsiris \ 8. Malaysia: Ethnocracy and Education
Moses Samuel and Meng Yew Tee \ 9. Malaysia: The Education of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children
Hema Letchamanan \ 10. Myanmar: Governance, Civil Society and the Developments in Education
Richard Martin \ 11. The Philippines: Education Issues and Challenges
Lorraine Pe Symaco \ 12. The Philippines: Higher Education and Development
Lorraine Pe Symaco \ 13. Singapore: Education in Transition
Letchmi Ponnusamy and Saravanan Gopinathan \ 14. Singapore: The Malay Ethnic Minority - Playing Perennial Catch-up in Education?
Jason Tan \ 15. Thailand: Issues in Education
Chaiyuth Punyasavatsvt \ 16. Timor-Leste: Education, decolonisation and development
Bob Boughton \ 17. Vietnam: The Education System - A Need to Improve Quality
Martin Hayden and Le Thi Ngoc Lan \ Index