Synopses & Reviews
Electron Liquids discusses newly discovered unusual electronic phenomena in diverse systems, with emphasis on electron correlations. The topics covered include: ð the quantum Hall effect ð high-Tc superconductivity ð electronðhole liquids ð localization ð conductance fluctuations ð 1D organic conductors This second edition has been enlarged by the inclusion of the significant developments in the study of electron systems that have taken place since the publication of the first edition, especially in the areas of high-Tc superconductivity and the quanitzed Hall effect. Also included are such fascinating subjects as crystallization and the stability of matter.
Several years have passed since the first edition of this book was published. During this period, significant developments in the study of electron systems have taken place, especially in the areas ofhigh-Tc superconductivity and the quantized Hall effect. These developments, and such fascinating subjects as crystallization and the stability of matter are included in the second edition. Bardstown, KY A.Isiham June 1997 Preface to the First Edition The study of electronic properties reveals a common basis for a variety of sys tems, including gaseous plasmas, ionic solutions, metals, and semiconductors. This study started with one-electron properties in free space, as discussed in solid-state books. However, significant progress has been made recently in more realistic and complicated cases with interactions, confinements, impu rities, and fields. Moreover, the recent discoveries of the quantum Hall effect, high-Tc superconductors, and localization phenomena, along with the intr duction of low-dimensional materials have opened new areas and have led to a tremendous number of articles in existing journals and even new specialized journals. This book has been written to provide a new, comprehensive review on electronic properties in such diverse areas and materials."
The aim of this text is to provide graduate students and researchers with information about electronic phenomena important in modern solid-state and plasma physics. It is suitable for use as a graduate text or as a reference work. This second edition has been enlarged with the developments in the areas of high-Tc superconductivity, the quantized Hall effect, crystallization, and the stability of matter.
The study of electronic properties reveals a common basis for a variety of systems, including gaseous plasmas, ionic solutions, metals, and semiconductors. Electron Liquids discusses newly discovered unusal electronic phenomena, with an emphasis on electron correlations. This second edition has been enlarged to account to the significant developments in the study of electron systems that have taken place since the publication of the first edition, especially in the areas of high-Tc superconductivity and the quantized Hall effect. These developments and also the subjects of crystallization and the stability of matter are now included.
Table of Contents
From the contents: 1. Generald Description of Electron Systems 2. Dielectric Function 3. One-Component Plasmas at High Temperatures 4. Low Temperature Plasmas 5. ElectronðHole Liquids 6. Correlation in a Magnetic Field 7. Electronic Specific Heat 8. Magnetoconductivity in Two Dimensions 9. Localization 10. Hopping, Percolation and Conductance Fluctuations 11. High-Tc Superconductivity 12. Integral Quantum Hall Effect 13. Fractional Quantum Hall Effect 14. Phase Transition and Stability of Matter Appendix References Subject Index