An affordable introduction to fly fishing with a new spin on the subject. Because many anglers feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information they have been brainwashed into believing they must know to catch a fish on a fly, Everything you always wanted to known about fly fishing* but were afraid to ask combine authority with accessibility, creating a truly unique approach to the typical how-to book.
Table of Contents
Section One
Instant Gratification: Be a better angler right now. How to improve immediately
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Whatand#8217;s the difference between fly-fishing and spin casting?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Why should I consider fly fishing over other ways of catching fish?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I cast efficiently?and#160;
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Whatand#8217;s the number one casting mistake and how do I solve it?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I tie better knots?
6.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What piece of my gear should I improve immediately?
7.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How to get a good drift with a dry fly?
8.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Do I really need a strike indicator?
9.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How can I see more fish?
10.and#160; What do I do when I hook a big fish?
Section Two
Up in the Air: Improving your cast. Longer, easier, and more efficient
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Do my hands work together?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is a double-haul?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Why is my back-cast so important?
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Why did my line pile in front of me?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I beat this wind?
6.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is a reach cast?
7.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is an S-cast?
8.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I get rid of my tailing loop?
9.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about casting in tight quarters?
10.and#160; I want to cast 100 feet. Do I need to?
Section Three
Humans are From Land; Fish are From Water: Unlocking Your Inner Fish-Finder
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What do fish need?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Where do trout hide in rivers?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about shade or undercut banks?
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about saltwater fish? Do they need the same things as trout?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I keep from spooking a fish?
Section Four
Looks Can Kill: Presentation. Getting your flies in the spot and looking natural
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I mend effectively?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is and#8220;trackingand#8221; and why is it important?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; I donand#8217;t need split shot, do I?
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about size or color? Are they really important?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about fly floatant or dessicant? Which ones are the best?
6.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I rig for fishing nymphs?
Section Five
Faking It: Choosing the right flies and using them at the right times
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Why should I care about nymphs?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is the difference between an emerger and an adult?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is all this talk about and#8220;cripples?and#8221;
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Do I really need to match the hatch?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Why is a Stimulator a great dry fly?
6.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What are the ten best trout flies?
7.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What are the ten best saltwater flies?
8.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Why should I care about size or color?
Section Six
Getting the Goods: Gearing-up, rigging-up, or gearing-down
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is the one rod I should own? For trout? For saltwater?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is a double-taper fly line? Why might I want it?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Is there an advantage to fluorocarbon tippet and leaders?
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Do I need a large-arbor reel?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What is all this talk about rod action?
Section Seven
Salty Dogs: Specific challenges of saltwater fly fishing
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Is casting really that important?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Itand#8217;s like hunting, isnand#8217;t it?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What are the species to fish for?
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I know where to fish?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Will my 9 foot 5 weight rod work?
6.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What special tackle do I need?
7.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Flats, inshore, and offshore. Whatand#8217;s the difference? Itand#8217;s all saltwater.
8.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about tides? How important are they, really?
Section Eight
Everything Else Under the Sun: Travel, teaching kids and spouses, and more
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Should I carry-on or check my rods and gear?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about shipping things to my destination?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I store my gear for the season?
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; I want to teach my wife to fish? Am I good enough?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I find a good guide?
Section Nine
Self-Reflection: Questions to ask yourself when fishing
1.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; How do I approach the stream?
2.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Did I survey the situation?
3.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Have I fished from and#8220;top to bottom?and#8221;
4.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; What about other anglers? Am is my etiquette appropriate?
5.and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Ifand#160; I am releasing fish, am I doing it with the fish in mind?
Section Ten
Other Peopleand#8217;s Thoughts: Quotes and thoughts from fellow anglers
Other Resources
and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160;and#160; Websites, guides, local and regional resources