Synopses & Reviews
Proven Solutions for Your Research Challenges
Has your family history research hit a brick wall? Marsha Hoffman Rising's best-selling book The Family Tree Problem Solver has the solutions to help you find the answers you seek. Inside you'll find:
Ideas on how to find vital records before civil registration
Tips for finding missing ancestors on censuses
Instructions for investigating collateral kin to further your pedigree
A look at advanced court records and how they can help you find answers
Work-arounds for lost or destroyed records
Techniques for correctly identifying and researching ancestors with common names
Methods for finding ancestors who lived before 1850
Case studies that show how to apply the author's advice to real-life research roadblocks
Strategies for analyzing your problem and creating a successful research plan
This revised edition also includes new information about online research techniques and a look at the role of DNA research. Plus you'll find a glossary of genealogy terms and more than a dozen templates for charts and logs to help you organize and record your research. Let The Family Tree Problem Solver help you find the answers you need today.