Synopses & Reviews
Daniela Henr quez is an illustrator based in Chile. Frances Ambler is a London-based writer and editor. She is contributing editor at the independent magazine The Simple Things and assistant editor at Oh Comely magazine and compiles the Instagram account @womeninredinart.
Discover some of the bravest and most inspirational women out there with these stunning portraits by Daniela Henr quez. From Malala Yousafzai and Rosa Parks to Marie Curie and Amelia Earhart, compare notes on 32 of the most courageous, groundbreaking, powerful women ever while playing this fun and informative game.
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Discover some of the bravest and most inspirational women out there with these stunning portraits by Daniela Henr quez. Compare notes on 32 of the most courageous women ever, from Malala Yousafzai and Rosa Parks to Marie Curie and Amelia Earhart.
Get ready to inspire the next generation of changemakers and groundbreakers while playing this fun and informative game