Table of Contents
Feminism as a criterion of the literary critic / Margret Anderson -- The new feminist criticism / Annis Pratt -- Dwelling in decencies : radical criticism and the feminist perspective / Lillian S. Robins -- Some notes on defining a 'feminist literary criticism' / Annette Kolodny -- The imperious muse : some observations on women, nature, and the poetic tradition / Pamela Di Pesa -- A room of her own : Emily Dickinson as woman artist / Barbara J. Williams -- Who buried H.D.? : a poet, her critics, and her place in 'the literary tradition' / Susan Friedman -- 'The blood jet' : the poetry of Sylvia Plath / Suzanne Juhasz -- 'I dare to live' : the transformation art of Anne Sexton / Rise B. Axelrod -- Mythopoeia, the moon and contemporary women's poetry / Dianne F. Sadoff -- The feminist poet : Alta & Adrienne Rich / Suzanne Juhasz -- The poetry of Cynthia MacDonald / R.L. Widmann -- Women and feminism in the works of Rosario Castellanos / Beth Miller -- The female Faust / Ann Ronald -- Pre-feminism in some eighteenth-century novels / Edna L. Steeves -- Constance Fenimore Woolson : first novelist of Florida / Evelyn Thomas Helmick -- The heroine as her author's daughter / Judith Kegan Gardiner -- Zora Neale Hurston / Evelyn Thomas Helmick -- Humanbecoming : form and focus in the Neo-Femisnist novel / Ellen Morgan -- Toward a definition of literary feminism / Agate Nesaule Krouse -- Jean Rhys' recent fiction : humane developments in Wide Saragasso Sea / Cheryl L. Brown -- Alienation of the woman writer in The golden notebook / Ellen Morgan -- Anais Nin : a critical evaluation / Estelle C. Jelinek -- Promises fulfilled : positive images of women in twentieth-century autobiography / Lynn Z. Bloom -- The need to tell all : a comparison of historical and modern feminist 'confessional' writing / Kathleen Dehler.