Synopses & Reviews
From the author of the worldwide bestseller called “a movement bible” by
The New York Times.
Published just two years ago and still riding high on national bestseller lists, No Logo reflected and inspired an entire movement. Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate brings together two years of Naomi Kleins writings and tracks the globalization conflict from Seattle to September 11th and beyond.
Since the publication of No Logo, Naomi Klein has continued tirelessly as a brilliant and informed contributor to contemporary debate. Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate, intended as a companion to No Logo, includes her most notable essays, speeches and articles on issues from NAFTA to Genetically Modified Organisms to the violence in Genoa. It offers introduction and explanation, looking at where the movement has come from and where it is going.
More than any other single voice, Naomi Klein articulates the concerns and complaints of a generation: about economic fundamentalism, the criminalization of dissent and the effects of Free Trade. But this book also reflects on the nature of resistance: the street protests that shocked and energized millions, carnival-style subversion and the apparent disorganization that is anti-globalizations great strength.
Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate is provocative, intelligent and passionate, a document, in its own right, of a unique time in our history.
Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate brings together two years of Naomi Klein's writings and tracks the globalization conflict from Seattle to September 11th and beyond.
Since the publication of No Logo, Naomi Klein has continued tirelessly as a brilliant and informed contributor to contemporary debate. Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate, intended as a companion to No Logo, includes her most notable essays, speeches and articles on issues from NAFTA to Genetically Modified Organisms to the violence in Genoa. It offers introduction and explanation, looking at where the movement has come from and where it is going.
More than any other single voice, Naomi Klein articulates the concerns and complaints of a generation: about economic fundamentalism, the criminalization of dissent and the effects of Free Trade. But this book also reflects on the nature of resistance: the street protests that shocked and energized millions, carnival-style subversion and the apparent disorganization that is anti-globalization's great strength.
Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate is provocative, intelligent and passionate, a document, in its own right, of a unique time in our history.
About the Author
Born in Montreal in 1970, Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist and author of the international bestseller, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, which won the Canadian National Business Book Award and the Prix Médiations in France. She writes an internationally syndicated column for The Globe and Mail and The Guardian and has guest lectured at Harvard, Yale and New York University.
Table of Contents
I. Windows of Dissent
Washington, D.C.
What's Next?
Los Angeles
II. Fencing in Democracy: Trade and Trade-Offs
Democracy in Shackles
The Free Trade Area of the Americas
IMF Go to Hell
No Place for Local Democracy
The War on Unions
The NAFTA Track Record
Higher Fences at the Border
Making -- and Breaking -- the Rules
The Market Swallows the Commons
Genetically Altered Rice
Genetic Pollution
Foot-and-Mouth's Sacrificial Lambs
The Internet as Tupperware Party
Co-opting Dissent
Economic Apartheid in South Africa
Poison Policies in Ontario
America's Weakest Front
III. Fencing in the Movement: Criminalizing Dissent
Cross-Border Policing
Pre-emptive Arrest
Fear Mongering
The "Citizens Caged" Petition
Indiscriminate Tear-Gassing
Getting Used to Violence
Manufacturing Threats
Stuck in the Spectacle
IV. Capitalizing on Terror
The Brutal Calculus of Suffering
New Opportunists
Kamikaze Capitalists
The Terrifying Return of Great Men
America Is Not a Hamburger
V. Windows to Democracy
Democratizing the Movement
Rebellion in Chiapas
Italy's Social Centres
Limits of Political Parties
From Symbols to Substance