Synopses & Reviews
These ingenious city guides package a concise full-color miniguide together with a full-size color map in a sturdy plastic sleeve. This convenient two-in-one travel resource is perfect for the on-the-go traveler who only needs the highlights in brief.
The Mini-guide
Color photos throughout
The top 25 attractions
Itineraries, walks, tours and excursions
Capsule reviews of key hotels, restaurants, shops, nightlife, and more
Concise travel facts about getting there and getting around
The Foldout Map
Detailed city coverage in full-color
Fully indexed
Neighborhood blowups
Public transport, hotels, points of interest, parks, and more--all listed on map
Easy to store in durable plastic sleeveSynopsis
This package is the key to a great visit to Belgium's most popular cities, with a full-color guidebook and foldout map at a low price. Belgium welcomed 315,000 Americans in 1998, a 4% increase from 1997. Its capital, Brussels, and canal-filled Bruges are drawing crowds in record numbers, a trend that will continue when Brussels assumes its role as one of Europe's Cultural Capitals for 2000. Perfect for both business and leisure travelers alike, Citypack Brussels & Bruges points travelers to favorite sights, historical landmarks, delicious restaurants, and more.