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Experienced and first-time travelers alike rely on Fodor's Gold Guides for rich, reliable coverage the world over. Completely up-to-date, Fodor's Gold Guides are essential for any kind of traveler. Insider info that's reliable and smart Local experts show you all the things to see and do -- from top sights to off-the-beaten-path adventures, from sports to shopping, from nightlife to recommended walks. Hotels and restaurants in all price categories From B&Bs to luxury hotels, from casual eateries to elegant restaurants, we list hundreds of detailed reviews that show what is distinctive about each place. Practical info that's completely up-to-date Useful maps and background information; key contacts; how to get there and get around; when to go; what to pack; local do's and taboos; costs, hours, and tips by the thousands. We've compiled a helpful list of guidebooks that complement Fodor's Naples and the Amalfi Coast. To learn more about them, just enter the title in the keyword search box. Fodor's Italy 2000 Fodor's upCLOSE Italy: Designed for those who want to travel well and spend less. Fodor's Exploring Italy: An information-rich cultural guide in full color. Fodor's Escape to the Amalfi Coast: One-of-a-kind experiences detailed with vivid, full-color images.