Synopses & Reviews
Includes bibliographical references (p. 293-296).
From the creator of the bestseller Simpler Living, Compassionate Life: A Christian Perspective comes Food and Faith. Food is itself a joyful gift -- recall how the gift of food so often mediates the sanctity and preciousness of life. This new collection of reflections by Wendell Berry, Bill McKibben, Elizabeth Johnson, Alan Durning, and others helps you start thinking about the moral, spiritual and economic implications of eating. Readings focus on the enjoyment and spirituality of good food, ways in which eating connects us to the land and to each other, and on the economic, environmental and cultural impacts of daily food choices. Food and Faith includes an eight-week study guide for groups or individuals, which leads to action: setting a table that is healthy, joyful and just.
Table of Contents
Overview / Michael Schut -- Food as sacramental / Michael Schut -- A thing shared / M.F.K. Fisher -- Poor food / M.F.K. Fisher -- The social sense / Diane Ackerman -- Coming home to eat / Gary Paul Nabhan -- Food politics / Marion Nestle -- Healthy heart, healthy life / John Robbins -- The politics of food choice / Marion Nestle -- The interiority of food / Thomas Moore -- Sacred agriculture: reflections of a contemplative farmer / Miriam Therese MacGillis -- The work at hand / Carol Flinders -- Grace / Gary Snyder -- The enjoyment of God and creation / Norman Wirzba -- God's beloved creation / Elizabeth A. Johnson -- Biblical views of nature: foundations for an environmental ethic / Marcia Bunge -- Where have all the farmers gone? / Brian Halweil -- There's farming and then there's farming / Donella H. Meadows -- Family farms / Ben Jacques -- The gross domestic product, well-being, and waistlines / Redefining Progress -- Introduction to Where have all the farmers gone? / Brian Halweil -- French fries / John C. Ryan & Alan Thein Durning -- The idea of a local economy / Wendell Berry -- The great hunter-gatherer continuum / Jim Mulligan -- The pleasures of eating / Wendell Berry -- On the range / Eric Schlosser -- The most dangerous job / Eric Schlosser -- Farm factories / Bernard E. Rollin -- Animals and people: the human heart in conflict with itself / Pattiann Rogers -- Swinger goes to town: why it's a good thing environmentalism is dying / Mike Connelly -- Experimenting with life / David Suzuki -- Worldview of abundance / Vandana Shiva -- Against the grain: an interview with Tewolde Egziabher / Marilyn Berlin Snell -- GM food is the best option we have / Anthony J. Trewavas -- On the true cause of world hunger: an interview with Anuradha Mittal / Derrick Jensen -- Hunger is a political condition / George McGovern -- Taking action: voting with forks / Marion Nestle -- Hungry for change / Jennifer Bogo -- Houses of worship sing praises of coffee for a cause / Jake Batsell -- Heart benefits of shade grown coffee / Joel Sisolak -- What is community supported agriculture? / Michael Schut -- Zen, wheelbarrows, and collard greens: reflections from the founder of a give-away garden project / Dan Barker -- Study guide / by Michael Schut.