Synopses & Reviews
Poetry. "The prosy, likeable poems of this debut have the insouciance of comic verse: 'Blue Poem #6' recalls Elaine Equi's sly panache, especially in its Zen-ish opening line: 'A woman in an "I am here" T-shirt says nothin'; the poem then opens out into terrifically managed serial declaratives. 'Piazza' tries out a pop vernacular torques a la Kleinzahler. Koch-like is Fuhrman's 'A History of Western Art,' where Impressionists go hang-gliding and Byzantines play frisbee. The title poem reimagines Freud's very real trip to Coney Island (which he made during his single visit to the U.S. to give the famous Clark Lectures)"--Publishers Weekly.
About the Author
Joanna Fuhrman is the author of three previous poetry collections. Her poems have appeared in anthologies published by HarperCollins Publishers, Hanging Loose Press, NYU Press, Carnegie Mellon University Press, and Soft Skull Press. She teaches creative writing at Rutgers University and in public schools and libraries through Poets House and Teachers and Writers Collaborative. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband, the playwright Robert Kerr.