Synopses & Reviews
Present the required fundamentals of computer science while preparing students for further study with the unique, appealing approach in Lambert's FUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON: FIRST PROGRAMS. Students start with simple algorithmic code before they scale into functions, objects, and classes as problems become more complex and require new abstraction mechanisms. Rather than confining students to numeric or text-based applications like other introductory texts, this book builds motivation by presenting graphics, image manipulation, GUIs, and simple networked client/server applications. The author uses Python's standard Turtle graphics module to introduce graphics and provide open source frameworks for easy image processing and GUI application development. Readable, thorough coverage and contemporary content engage your students as they work with applications similar to those they use every day.
Written for computer programming students, hobbyists, and professionals, FUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON: DATA STRUCTURES is an introduction to object-oriented design and data structures using the popular Python programming language. The level of instruction assumes at least one semester of programming in an object-oriented language such as Java, C++, or Python. Through the step-by-step instruction and exercises in this book, you'll cover such topics as the design of collection classes with polymorphism and inheritance, multiple implementations of collection interfaces, and the analysis of the space/time tradeoffs of different collection implementations (specifically array-based implementations and link-based implementations). Collections covered include sets, lists, stacks, queues, trees, dictionaries, and graphs. Get ready to dig into Python data structures with FUNDAMENTALS OF PYTHON: DATA STRUCTURES.