I.GENDER SOCIALIZATION AND PARENTING. 1.Nancy Chodorow, The Sexual Sociology of Adult Life. 2.David D. Gilmore, The Manhood Puzzle.
3.Barbara J. Risman, Necessity and the Invention of Mothering.
4.Ann Willard, Cultural Scripts for Mothering.
5.Patricia Hill Collins, Black Mother-Daughter Relationships.
II.GENDER AND WORK. 6.Barbara F. Reskin and Irene Padavic, The Doctrine of Separate Spheres.
7.Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper.
8.Betty Friedan, The Problem That Has No Name.
9.Arlie Hochschild and Anne Machung, Marriage in the Stalled Revolution.
10.Barbara R. Bergmann, What Is Affirmative Action?
11.Elizabeth Higginbotham, Black Professional Women: Job Ceilings and Employment Sectors.
III.GENDER AND SEXUALITY. 12.Deborah L. Tolman, Daring to Desire: Culture and the Bodies of Adolescent Girls.
13.Lillian B. Rubin, The Sexual Dilemma.
14.Michael Messner, Sexuality and Sexual Identity.
15.Benjamin P. Bowser, Social Class in Black Sexuality.
16.Becky W. Thompson, Childhood Lessons: Culture, Race, Class, and Sexuality.
17.John D'Emilio, Capitalism and Gay Identity.
18.Arlene Stein, Difference, Desire, and the Self.
IV.GENDER AND EDUCATION. 19.Peggy Orenstein, Unbalanced Equations: Girls, Math, and the Confidence Gap.
20.Barrie Thorne, Girls and Boys Together…But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary Schools.
V.GENDER, MATH AND SCIENCE. 21.Ruth Hubbard, Fact Making and Feminism.
22.Ruth Bleier, Theories of Human Origins and Cultural Evolution: Man the Hunter.
23.Henry Etzkowitz, Carol Kemelgor, Michael Neuschatz, and Brian Uzzi, Athena Unbound: Barriers to Women in Academic Science and Engineering.
VI.GENDER AND RELIGION. 24.Fatima Mernissi, The Muslim Concept of Active Female Sexuality.
25.Susan A. Farrell, It's Our Church, Too: Women's Position in the Catholic Church Today.
26.Judith Plaskow, Setting the Problem, Laying the Ground.
VII.GENDER, HEALTH, AND ILLNESS. 27.Vicki S. Helgesen, Masculinity, Men's Roles and Coronary Heart Disease.
28.Hortensia Amaro, Love, Sex, and Power: Considering Women's Realities in HIV Prevention.
29.Roberta Satow, Where Has All the Hysteria Gone?
VIII. GENDER AND REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY. 30.Jennifer Strickler, The New Reproductive Technology: Problem or Solution?
31.Laura R. Woliver, Reproductive Technologies, Surrogacy Arrangements, and the Politics of Motherhood.
IX.GENDER AND POLITICS. 32.Linda Gordon, The Politics of Birth Control, 1920-1940: The Impact of Professionals.
33.Sally Avery Bermanzohn, The 1996 Welfare Law: Dismantling Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
X.GENDER AND THE LAW. 34.Rosemarie Skain, Defining Sexual Harassment.
35.Rosalind Pollack Petchesky, Protecting Family Integrity: The Rightward Drift in the Courts.
36.Anonymous, Nora.
XI.GENDER AND VIOLENCE. 37.Patricia Yancey Martin and Robert A. Hummer, Fraternities and Rape on Campus.
38.Alan Soble, Pornography in Capitalism: Powerlessness.
39.Kimberly A. Huisman, Wife Battering in Asian American Communities: Identifying the Service Needs of an Overworked Segment of the Population.