Synopses & Reviews
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Table of Contents
I. SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, NGOS, NETWORKS, AND THE IDEA OF A GLOBAL CIVIL SOCIETY 1. Social Movements, NGOs, and Networks Mary Kaldor2. Transnational Advocacy Networks in the Movement SocietyMargaret Keck and Katryn Sikkink3. The Rise and Fall of Transnational Civil Society Thomas Richard DaviesII. ANTI-SLAVERY AND CONGO REFORM4. Transnational Activism in the Eighteenth Century: the Anti-Slavery Movement Huw T. David5. Transnational Humanitarian Heroes in the Early Twentieth Century: the Congo Reform Movement William E. DeMarsIII. GLOBAL LABOR6. Transnational Pioneers: The International Labor Movement Dan Gallin7. Labor Rights as Human Rights: Regulation in the Context of a "Thinned" National State Gay W. SeidmanIV. HUMAN RIGHTS8. The Power of Norms versus the Norms of Power: Transnational Civil Society and Human Rights Thomas Risse9. Civil Society and the International Criminal Court Johan D. van der Vyver10. Human Rights NGOs: a Critical Evaluation Makau MutuaV. WOMEN'S RIGHTS11. The Global Women's Movement: Origins, Issues, and Strategies Peggy Antrobus12. Contesting Women's Rights: Charting the Emergence of a Transnational Conservative Counter-network Louise ChappellVI. ENVIRONMENT13. Spinning the Green Web: Transnational Environmentalism Wendy E. F. Torrance and Andrew W. Torrance14. Transnational Policy Networks and the Role of Advocacy Scientists: From Ozone Layer Protection to Climate Change Reiner Grundmann15. Challenging Global Warming as a Social Problem: An Analysis of the Conservative Movement's Counter-Claims Aaron M. McCright and Riley E. DunlapVII. PEACE AND DISARMAMENT16. Banning the Bomb David Cortright17. The Ottawa Process: Nine Day Wonder or a New Model for Disarmament Negotiations? Maurice Bleicher 18. Assessing the Small Arms Movement: The Trials and Tribulations of a Transnational Network Suzette R. Grillot, Craig S. Stapley, and Molly E. Hanna VIII. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY19. Before Seattle: the Historical Roots of the Current Movement against Corporate-Led Globalization Robin Broad and Zahara Heckscher 20. Reclaiming the Commons Naomi Klein21. Creating Spaces for Global Democracy: The World Social Forum Process Jackie Smith22. Is Another World Possible? Problems and Shortcomings of the World Social Forum Owen Worth and Karen BucklyNotes on Authors