Synopses & Reviews
Jacqueline Jakes, sister of Bishop T.D. Jakes, inspires women to see their trials as the furnace that molds them into living examples of God's handiwork.
Jacqueline Jakes is uniquely gifted to reach hurting women with serious needs. In GOD'S TROPHY WOMEN, she encourages women enduring hardship by reminding them that God looks upon them as winners--as trophies He molded and treasures. The book contains stories of conquerors who have triumphed through their faith in Jesus Christ. Some are women of the Bible; some are the seemingly ordinary women who fill our lives. Readers will learn their secrets to survival, their pathways to success, and the qualities necessary to shine in their own lives. Jacqueline Jakes wrote GOD'S TROPHY WOMEN to provide strength to see women through the tough times--all the way to victory.
About the Author
Bishop T. D. Jakes is one of the world's most widely recognized pastors and a New York Times bestselling author of more than thirty books. Named byTime magazine as "America's Best Preacher," his message of healing and restoration is unparalleled, transcending cultural and denominational barriers. Jakes is the founder and senior pastor of The Potter's House, which has a congregation of more than 30,000. His weekly television outreach, The Potter's House, and his daily television program, The Potter's Touch, have become favorites throughout America, Africa, Australia, Europe, and the Caribbean. Jakes lives in Dallas, Texas, with his wife, Serita. Learn more about Bishop Jakes at and