Synopses & Reviews
In this updated edition, Judy Bradt brings you the secrets to winning US government contracts - whether you're taking your first steps, or expanding your footprint in pursuit of the world's largest buyer. Government Contracts Made Easier is loaded with resources that seasoned contractors take years to discover: - Key Concepts: Find out what successful companies master as they launch and grow their government contract business.- Profiles in Success: Ten business owners - small and minority business owners, veterans, women and men - share their journeys, their challenges, their mis-steps, and the tactics they used to win government business.- A Structured Approach: Seven steps guide your journey into the heart of what it takes to win government business.- Exercises: Get the tools Judy uses to work with her clients.- Research Data & Top Expert Insight: Hard statistics and analysis on what success takes - from new studies and leading specialists in diverse aspects of government business.- Checklists and Tip Lists: Plenty of easy-to use point-form lists make this technical material simpler to work with.- Resources: There's always more to learn. Find out about free and low-cost resources.- And even more online The book gives you special links to detailed how-to guides you can use now