Synopses & Reviews
Two men rebel together against tyrannyand#8212;and then become rivalsand#8212;in this first sweeping book of an epic fantasy series from Ken Liu, recipient of Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards.andlt;BRandgt;andlt;BRandgt;Wily, charming Kuni Garu, a bandit, and stern, fearless Mata Zyndu, the son of a deposed duke, seem like polar opposites. Yet, in the uprising against the emperor, the two quickly become the best of friends after a series of adventures fighting against vast conscripted armies, silk-draped airships, and shapeshifting gods. Once the emperor has been overthrown, however, they each find themselves the leader of separate factionsand#8212;two sides with very different ideas about how the world should be run and the meaning of justice.andlt;BRandgt; andlt;BRandgt;Fans of intrigue, intimate plots, and action will find a new series to embrace in the Dandelion Dynasty.
"Ken Liu's andlt;Iandgt;The Grace of Kingsandlt;/Iandgt; and#8212; a magnificent fantasy epic. Liu is building a dynasty."
"The Grace of Kings is an ambitious, astonishing, and sublime work, one that both exemplifies and diverges from what one might think of when it comes to epic fantasy. It should rank amongst the genre's best works."
"Liuand#8217;s combination of elements from China, Polynesia and beyond, told in an epic style, is the kind of Silk Road Fantasy that Iand#8217;ve always wanted to read, and love all the more now that I have."
"Told in Liuand#8217;s graceful, intelligent, and literate prose, the novel is a sumptuous Epic feast."
"The Grace of Kings is a fantasy, with petty meddling gods, odd mechanized inventions, and a sense that mystical powers lurk around the corner. It is nothing if not epic."
"The epic fantasy genre can only be enriched by more novels drawing from non-Western traditions. Liuand#8217;s ambitious work expertly blends mythology, history, military tactics, and technological innovation (airships and submarines). "
"The Grace of Kings is grand, mythic and epic, but Liuand#8217;s and#8220;silk-punkand#8221; world of trickster gods and giant horned whales is also a delight."
One of the Time 100 Best Fantasy Books Of All Time Two men rebel together against tyranny--and then become rivals--in this first sweeping book of an epic fantasy series from Ken Liu, recipient of Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards.
Wily, charming Kuni Garu, a bandit, and stern, fearless Mata Zyndu, the son of a deposed duke, seem like polar opposites. Yet, in the uprising against the emperor, the two quickly become the best of friends after a series of adventures fighting against vast conscripted armies, silk-draped airships, and shapeshifting gods. Once the emperor has been overthrown, however, they each find themselves the leader of separate factions--two sides with very different ideas about how the world should be run and the meaning of justice.
Fans of intrigue, intimate plots, and action will find a new series to embrace in the Dandelion Dynasty.
About the Author
Ken Liuandrsquo;s fiction has appeared in andlt;iandgt;Fandamp;SFandlt;/iandgt;, andlt;iandgt;Asimovandrsquo;sandlt;/iandgt;, andlt;iandgt;Analogandlt;/iandgt;, andlt;iandgt;Strange Horizonsandlt;/iandgt;, andlt;iandgt;Lightspeedandlt;/iandgt;, and andlt;iandgt;Clarkesworldandlt;/iandgt;, among other places. He has won a Nebula, two Hugos, a World Fantasy Award, a Science Fiction andamp; Fantasy Translation Award, and been nominated for the Sturgeon and the Locus Awards. His wife, Lisa Tang Liu, is an artist. He lives near Boston with his family.