Synopses & Reviews
This is the ninth volume in the Loeb Classical Library's ongoing edition of Hippocrates' invaluable texts, which provide essential information about the practice of medicine in antiquity and about Greek theories concerning the human body. Here Paul Potter presents the Greek text with facing English translation of eleven treatises, four previously unavailable in English, that illuminate Hippocratic medicine in such areas as anatomy, physiology, prognosis and clinical signs, obstetrics, and ophthalmology.
Of the roughly seventy treatises in the Hippocratic Collection, many are not by Hippocrates (said to have been born in Cos in or before 460 BCE), but they are essential sources of information about the practice of medicine in antiquity and about Greek theories concerning the human body, and he was undeniably the "Father of Medicine."
About the Author
Paul Potter's earlier volumes in the Hippocrates edition were widely praised for their "excellent--that is, accurate and readable--translations" (in the words of the Bulletin of the History of Medicine). He is Professor of the History of Medicine, <>University of Western Ontario.Paul Potter is Chair of the Department of History of Medicine, University of Western Ontario.