Synopses & Reviews
You probably know that as you age, your hormone levels decline. But what you probably don't know is that hormone levels can be restored using natural, bioidentical hormones that eliminate associated fatigue, weight gain, moodiness, memory loss, and a weakenedimmune system. Too often, women are prescribed drugsthat treat these symptoms and not the core problem: hormonal imbalance. Now, in his acclaimed eight-pointprogram that has improved the lives of countlesspatients at his Houston wellness clinic, Dr. Steven F.Hotze reveals what women of all ages can do to getrelief and promote lifelong hormonal health through acombination of lifestyle changes, good nutrition, exercise, and natural hormone replacement. In clear, nontechnical language, he addresses: - the importantdifferences between chemical hormones and bioidenticalhormones - common, related health problems, including allergies, yeast overgrowth, and adrenalfatigue - balanced nutrition - vitamin and mineralsupplements - and more.