Synopses & Reviews
Have you ever wondered about life after death? Have you likewise wondered how good do you have to be to have God punch your ticket to heaven? Also, to have St. Peter say to you at the pearly gate, "You're good to go "
How Good Is Good Enough for God? will address this mystical subject, but it will do so in the least mystical way possible. How do we minimize the mysticism? We use the Holy Bible as our source document, and one passage, specifically, gives us strong guidance as to what God expects of us to qualify for his salvation. That passage is Revelation 1-3, which includes the letters to the seven churches in Asia.
We will dig deep to find out what the core meanings of obscure references to ancient churches means to us today and how this passage can help us determine our eternal fate. You will come to find that these ancient words will provide extremely valuable teachings for your deepest needs today. Specific benchmarks on what it takes to make it into heaven in the afterlife are contained in this passage. Join me on an ultimate adventure to discover the keys to eternal salvation.