Synopses & Reviews
Do you find it difficult to initiate or sustain conversations even when they serve your best interest?
Are there times you wished you had effective communication skills to help you build connection with people you often encounter and find interesting enough to become friends with?
Do you wish to learn the simple strategies needed to improve on your personality in ways that would help you become far more charismatic, likable, and interesting to attract the friendship and admiration of colleagues, acquaintances, and even strangers you come in contact with?
As humans, we are, by design, social - which means we aren't designed to live in isolation. However, for us to make the most of our daily encounters with people (transforming some of these meetings into worthwhile friendships and connections), we need some special kind of skill set.
There is ample evidence from science that social relationships are a better determinant of success than intellect or talent.
In HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS, you will discover:
- Why first impressions matter so much, and effective ways of creating a great first impression
- The best way to begin EVERY conversation to make it a hit
- Steps you can take to give your ideas improved chances of acceptability
- The importance of names in conversation dynamics and how best to recall people's names
- The most effective way to offer compliments
- A systematic way of developing an attractive personality
- The guaranteed method of building trust rapidly
- Simple hacks that can increase your persuasiveness tremendously
- ...and a whole lot more.
Great people skills, in lots of cases, is what determines if a lone subway ride ends up being fun and memorable for you, or turns out exactly like the gazillion unmemorable trips in the past. It could determine who gets a raise and who gets fired; who gets repeat customers and who struggles with customer retention. The benefits of having sound communication skills are infinite, and it would do you a world of good to possess these skills.
Don't fly blind anymore. Learn the people skills needed to succeed at the highest levels of interpersonal relationship - and you will certainly be glad you did.
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Learn the Science Behind the Art of Good Communication
Do you find it difficult to initiate or sustain conversations even when they serve your best interest?
★★Are there times you wished you had practical communication skills to help you build lasting connections with people you often encounter and find interesting?★★
Do you wish to learn the simple strategies needed to improve your personality in ways that would help you become far more charismatic, likable, and interesting to attract the friendship and admiration of colleagues, acquaintances, and even strangers you encounter?
As humans, we are, by design, social - which means we aren't designed to live in isolation. However, to make the most of our daily encounters with people (transforming some of these meetings into worthwhile friendships and connections), we need some special kind of skill set.
There is ample evidence from science that social relationships are a better determinant of success than intellect or talent.
In HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS, you will discover:
- Why first impressions matter so much, and effective ways of creating a great first impression
- The best way to begin EVERY conversation to make it a hit
- Steps you can take to give your ideas improved chances of acceptability
- The importance of names in conversation dynamics and how best to recall people's names
- The most effective way to offer compliments
- A systematic way of developing an attractive personality
- The guaranteed method of building trust rapidly
- Simple hacks that can increase your persuasiveness tremendously
- and a whole lot more.
In lots of cases, great people skills determine if a lone subway ride ends up being fun and memorable for you, or turns out exactly like the gazillion unmemorable trips in the past. It could determine who gets a raise and who gets fired; excellent conversational skills could determine who gets repeat customers, and who struggles with customer retention. The benefits of having sound communication skills are infinite, and it would do you a world of good to possess these skills.
Don't fly blind anymore. Learn the people skills needed to succeed at the highest levels of interpersonal relationships - and you will undoubtedly be glad you did.
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