Synopses & Reviews
Master the foundational HTML5 and CSS3 skills that are needed to create outstanding basic websites using this practical, user-friendly book from the popular Illustrated Series. HTML5 AND CSS3 ILLUSTRATED INTRODUCTORY, 2E covers today's basic concepts and must-know skills for developing web pages and websites using the latest HTML5 and CSS3 standards and best practice. Updates throughout this new edition introduce key principles of website design, while integrating coverage of mobile design and testing. This edition provides beginners with the -nuts-and-bolts- and offers more experienced users the opportunity to brush up on the basics and then move to more advanced topics. Each two-page spread focuses on a single skill, making even complex topics, such as coding with HTML5, easy to follow and absorb.
About the Author
Sasha Vodnik is a web developer and author with over 15 years of experience creating web content and writing about it. He enjoys the challenge of keeping on top of the fast-changing landscape of the modern web, as well as explaining how to write clean, powerful code in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML.