Synopses & Reviews
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a complex area which interacts widely with a broader spectrum of business interests and concerns. This book unravels the complex range of factors affecting OHS policy, practice and outcomes.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a complex area which interacts widely with a broader spectrum of business interests and concerns. To date OHS has been confined to the periphery of Human Resource Management (HRM), where its role, influence and importance have been overlooked. This text sets out to reposition OHS in HRM and business agendas.
This book unravels the complex range of factors affecting OHS policy, practice and outcomes. These factors are then placed into context within the international airline, call centre and nuclear power industries. The author presents a wide range of primary and secondary research in order to offer an accessible framework for OHS in contemporary occupational settings.
This book will be essential reading for students, practitioners and professional academic audiences who seek a broader understanding of the relationship and interaction between HRM principles, policies and practices and OHS.