Synopses & Reviews
This book is packed with 101 fantastic USA word search puzzles that will keep you amused for hours. There's a wide range of absorbing topics to enjoy, covering all 50 states and a whole variety of things about America that make the good old 'US of A' such a great place
Each page has its own puzzle which contains words of varying lengths to find. The words are hidden horizontally, vertically and diagonally (both forward and backward). The final puzzle (#101) has an extra-large grid and twice as many words to find that describe why we love the USA so much. All the solutions can be found at the back of the book.
Book specification:
- Cover: gloss paperback
- Size: 8.5 x 11 inches / 21.6 x 27.9 cm
- 101 fantastic USA-themed word search puzzles with solutions
- high-quality white paper so that you can easily write on the pages (and use an eraser if you need to)
Whether you have a few minutes to spare or have a long afternoon to while away, these puzzles will keep you entertained
Please note that this is a LARGE PRINT book. A clear font (Calibri) in size 18pt has been used throughout, including the solutions. This book is also available as a standard edition (ISBN: 9781096372547).